Vancouver Heritage Site Finder App and Map

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Every step you take in Vancouver places you near a heritage site, whether it’s related to the traditional Coast Salish territory, the birth of Vancouver as a city, or monuments to past events and architecture. The Vancouver Heritage Foundation (“VHF”) has an app that can help you see exactly what heritage sites are around you at practically any location in the city, listed by heritage significance, protection, and recognition.


Heritage sites that can be located on the map include everything from the Marpole Midden, containing the remains of a Coast Salish winter village site dating from 1500 to 2900 years ago, to the Japanese Canadian War Memorial in Stanley Park, residences, schools, churches, monuments, institutional and commercial properties.

Vancouver Heritage Site Finder

Vancouver Heritage Foundation’s Heritage Site Finder is a new interactive map of the Vancouver Heritage Register. Previously only accessible to the public as a PDF list, the Heritage Register is now presented in a visual format, searchable by address or site name, with images and information for each site.

Over 2200 sites are already included and VHF will continue to add information on an ongoing basis. The map is now fully compatible with mobile devices, enabling use as a mobile guide as well as a valuable research tool, useful and engaging for locals and visitors alike. Whether at home or walking around the city, you can use the Heritage Site Finder (with your location on), to see what heritage sites are nearby, wherever you go!

The Heritage Register is a key component in the City of Vancouver’s Heritage Conservation Program. Compiled in the 1980s and adopted by Council in 1986 to celebrate the City’s centenary, in 2015 it is undergoing a comprehensive review and update for the first time. The HSF provides a useful tool for all to better understand what is already on the Register and what could be added. This project was funded in part by Heritage BC through the Heritage Legacy Fund. The VHF Heritage Site Finder interactive map is made possible in part by a Get Youth Working Grant from the Province of BC.

This is such a cool, new way to experience the city. Open the app the next time you’re out or a walk, downtown, in Stanley Park, or in your neighbourhood, and discover the past thanks to the technology of today. Follow the Vancouver Heritage Foundation on Facebook and Twitter for more information.

1 Comment  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. SamFriday, March 4th, 2016 — 3:07pm PST

    With such a short history compared to many other great cities in the world, Vancouver is in a unique position to preserve historical sites from the cities infancy for future generations to enjoy and learn about. The Vancouver Heritage Site Finder helps to make this happen

    This is also an award winning project! –>

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