Blogger Profile: Lisa Corriveau

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

Over the years I have profiled bloggers from the Northwest Territories to the Fraser Valley, anyone that interests me and that I hope will interest you as well. A few years ago I started asking a standard set of questions and I’ve sent these out to a few local bloggers for this week’s series. Click, share, explore, and enjoy.

Lisa Corriveau

Photo credit: Bethany

Blog: The Sprog
Twitter: spokesmama
Facebook: /TheSprog
Pinterest: blauelibelle
Google +

How long has your blog been around?
I’ve been writing on The Sprog since the summer of 2010, shortly before my son–the sprog himself–was born.

What is your role?
I am the sole designer, editor, writer and promoter of The Sprog.

What does your site do/what is it about
I love to share the things I’m passionate about: cycling with my family, car-sharing, making things, great family-friendly events and activities around the city and living a more green life in general.

What can people see, read, and do when visiting your site?
When you visit The Sprog, you’ll find the occasional product or book review, personal posts on parenting, DIY how-tos and tips for saving money and going green.

Why do you blog?
I love the connections I make online and I love to let people know about some of the great events, businesses & services in Vancouver, particularly in my neighbourhood of Mount Pleasant.

What is the ultimate goal for your site, how would you like to see it grow?
I hope to inspire people and show by example that car-sharing and biking are not only eco-friendly and affordable, but fun and feasible with a young family here in Vancouver.

Follow Lisa on her blog The Sprog, on Twitter, Facebook, pinterest, and Google +.

Read all entries in my Blogger Profile series and feel free to suggest a blogger for possible feature in the comments of this post.

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