Winterfest Wrap Up and Good Times in Surrey

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I’ve covered dozens of events from film festivals, to tech conferences, interviews with artists, and concerts and each experience is always unique. However, I must say that when working with the City of Surrey, John and I both agree, it’s an absolute pleasure. They’re organized, the staff is accessible, and getting full media access including the photo pit — and being able to go backstage to sip some Wally’s Wheat Ale when it’s over — is just tops.

My first official blogging assignment for the City was last winter for their inaugural Winterfest at Central City. Since Surrey was named a Canadian Cultural Capital city in 2008 they started up Winterfest along with the Fusion Festival in the summer. Each festival had fun for the family, activities, crafts, and concerts — all with free admission and evening fireworks as well.

Surrey is also home to the largest Canada Day celebration in Western Canada, which I also covered while enjoying sunshine, lemonade, and the sweet sweet sounds of Wil, Rymes with Orange, the Payola$ and Loverboy.

Living in a city that is being taken over by Olympic planning and construction, while also losing major free events for the entire family, it’s nice to see other cities engaging their neighbours and celebrating all of their communities together.

Also for all those who complain about suburbanites coming into downtown and causing a raucous during our festivals and fireworks — please by all means — feel free to bundle up the kiddies in the stroller, take the SkyTrain out to Surrey for Canada Day or the Fusion Festival (or even the Farmers Market, the Clova Jam or the Surrey Childrens’ Festival) and experience all they have to offer — there’s plenty of room for all.

2 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. UrbandwellerMonday, February 9th, 2009 — 7:45pm PST

    The fireworks aren’t dead yet. There is a campaign to save them! There’s a link on the buzz if you wanna check it out.

  2. Miss604Monday, February 9th, 2009 — 7:53pm PST

    Thanks UD – I added the link to my fireworks post and have some comments from the Save The Fireworks founders as well.

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