Monday Morning Link Fest: Getting Down to Business

Comments 4 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Mondays and Tuesdays are my big writing days where I prepare my contributions for E!Online as well as HockeyStars. A big part of my new ventures into the realm of self-employment is freelance blog writing. Our company, sixty4media, offers tutorials, training, setup, coding, themes, podcasts, screencasts etc. but we can also find the right person to create your content. If that person happens to be me and you’d like me to write (transparently) about topics you’d like me to cover, feel free to drop me a line.

Now down to the link fest for this Monday morning, or as I like to call it, “one week til turkey day”.

Jeremy Lim is the winner of the software license that was donated to WordCamp at Barcamp by the fine folks at Artisteer.

Gary from Bluefur has some great tips and links with regards to self-employment, freelance, and working for the man in his latest “In the Sphere” post: Salaries and Millionaires.

I just wrote about the Twitter for Business over on the sixty4media blog.

Twitter can be professional and also productive, as with any service you need to know when to ignore all of the noise and find out how this powerful tool can work best for you. [sixty4media]

John sent me this link over delicious, where is your username registered? Thanks to that extensive list of services and sites, I discovered Corkd, a great social network for wine lovers, and that I am also f’ing awesome (and you can be too).

Vancouver’s own “Interesting” event will be taking place October 24th. This premiere event, held around the world, “is a multi-disciplinary conference for and by the curious and creative minds of Vancouver. Speakers come from a host of backgrounds such as sciences, academia, marketing, technology, art, and more.” Additional information is available on the Interesting Vancouver site and you can register through the Eventbrite page.

Last week Liz Strauss, a leader in blog and social media consulting for business, named me as one of her “Successful and Outstanding Blogs” of the week (which is very cool). At Blog World Expo a few weeks ago she made the following comment with regards to PR companies only contacting the high-rollers of the blog realm: “The thing I know about bloggers is that if you talk to them and they’re little bloggers, they grow – and they become bigger bloggers.” She also noted, “I want a relationship, not a one link stand,” when it comes to building blogger relations.

4 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. DaveOMonday, October 6th, 2008 — 11:00am PDT

    Keep on trucking with the awesome work Becks!

  2. TylerMonday, October 6th, 2008 — 2:49pm PDT

    I met Jeremy Lim at PhotoCamp 🙂 Congrats on the software!

  3. Brett MacfarlaneTuesday, October 7th, 2008 — 1:23pm PDT

    Thanks for the coverage of Interesting Vancouver. Looking forward to seeing and meeting you there.

  4. I am awesome « Not To Be Trusted With KnivesTuesday, October 7th, 2008 — 4:44pm PDT

    […] to Miss604, on whose site I saw the awesomeness that is Beth @ 4:44 pm [filed under Uncategorized tagged […]

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