Facebook Awards: Best of the West 2007

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

By now we all know pretty much that Facebook is one HUGE a social networking tool to be reckoned with.

As of late November 2007, the website has the largest number of registered users among college-focused sites with 55 million active members (including non-collegiate members) worldwide, with membership expected to surpass 60 million users by the end of the year.

From September 2006 to September 2007 the site’s traffic ranking increased from 60th to 7th, according to Alexa. It is the number one site for photos in the United States, ahead of public sites such as Flickr, with over 60 million photos uploaded weekly. [wiki]

A humega part of Facebook is the ability to add applications. Love ’em or hate ’em, all those crazy thing are there to stay. Applications allow you to keep up to date with the latest events and transit schedules while encouraging friends to rate you, let you know you’re hot, send you “gifts”, turn you into a zombie and challenge you at games. As you may or may not know, Vancouver’s a big part of the Facebook movement, next time you add an application it might very well be something locally designed, developed and created.

Photo credit: Megan Cole on Flickr

To celebrate Techcouver‘s advancements on the world Facebook stage the folks who brought us the first Vancouver Facebook Developer (& Designer) Garage are unveiling the following:

Tell us about your Facebook application: We’ve decided to reward and encourage excellence in Facebook application design and development by hosting the “Best of the West 2007 Awards” – the world’s first Facebook application awards – at the upcoming second Vancouver Facebook Developer (& Designer) Garage and the first in the new year in late January 2008.! [Best of the West]

Here’s what you need to qualify and nominate your app:

  • Your Facebook application must be designed or developed in British Columbia (B.C.)
  • If your Facebook application is from a neighboring province or state (such as Alberta or Washington) you must showcase your Facebook application at the upcoming Vancouver Facebook Developer (& Designer) Garage in late January 2008.
  • For a refresher of the first event, check out the official live blog that I wrote shortly before coming down with laryngitis. Luckily organizers assure me that the next event will be throat virus free.

    Photo credit: kk+ on Flickr

    If you or someone you know and love (or just kinda like) has developed a Facebook application that’s the bee’s knee – let us know by nominating them. They’ll then be added to “The Wall” and be subject to random reviews by bloggers, such as yours truly.

    So, say you made something with an artist’s music and tour dates on it and your name rhymes with Wuane Storey – that kinda thing – submit it and have the opportunity for recognition of internet-famous proportions.

    The Vancouver Facebook Developer (& Designer) Garage is the brainchild of the Vancouver Facebook Developers Group and organized by Gerald Bauer.

    2 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

    1. Best of the West 2007 – Vancouver Facebook Awards – Call for Nominations « vancouver facebook awards – best of the west 2007Thursday, November 29th, 2007 — 8:17am PST

      […] And get included in the first short-list for a free review of your application in mid-December on Miss604’s Vancouver Blog. Posted in awards, bestwestfacebook07, f8, facebook, nominations, […]

    2. wynThursday, November 29th, 2007 — 11:37am PST

      Ahead of Flickr? You could see it coming a mile away but still when everyone is on Flickr and share their party pictures that way… so sad. 🙁

    Also on Miss604.com