Most Influential Canadian Women in Social Media

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

In case you needed another ballot to fill out this season, I have been nominated as one of Canada’s most influential women in social media.

We’ll announce the Top 3 winners shortly after that based on a combination of the following:
* PostRank’s Engagement analysis tool, PostRank will run a report based on each entrant’s engagement. A score of 0 – 3 will be assigned.
* Community Votes – There 31 women influence you in some way, shape of form, so it only makes sense that you get to vote. A score of 0 – 3 will be assigned.
* Involvement Ranking – Points will be awarded to individuals who helped educate the market place through hosting events on/ around the area of social media and speaking at event on/ around the area of social media. A score of 0 – 4 will be assigned.

It’s an honor to be among the likes of Kate, Monica, and Amber – all of whom I’ve had the pleasure to meet and partake in geeky activities with.

amber mac and me

Voting ends December 20th and is only a part of the formula they will use to calculate the best of this country’s women on the web. It’s an uber cliché but it is an honor to be nominated.

5 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. RaulSunday, November 30th, 2008 — 10:31pm PST

    It’s an honor to be the blogging padawan of one of Canada’s most influential social media women!

    I am also thrilled to see Monica and Kate there!

  2. Monica HamburgMonday, December 1st, 2008 — 9:58am PST

    Ah! You are so awesome.

  3. JennyMonday, December 1st, 2008 — 4:13pm PST

    You have my vote!

  4. Kate TrgovacThursday, December 4th, 2008 — 8:57am PST

    Thanks for the shout-out, Rebecca! I’m pleased to see a pretty good representation from the left coast on Profectio’s list, though it’s clearly missing key members of our community like Alexandra Samuel, Monique Trottier, Julie Szabo and Linda Bustos (among others). I’m always torn about lists like this b/c I don’t know that they do anyone a real service – except for driving a lot of traffic to the originating blog.

    But … I’m going to focus on the fact that someone thought to put me on the list and that women in our field are getting recognized! Yay us!

    And Raul – thank you for your nice comment!

  5. Northern Voice 2009 and Social Media Update » Vancouver Blog Miss 604 by Rebecca BollwittWednesday, January 7th, 2009 — 7:59pm PST

    […] one of the top social media influencers in the country, making the cut as a semi-finalist. I knew I was one of the women nominated (they did one ballot for men, and another for women) and the finalists have now been […]

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