Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s classic Sherlock Holmes adventure, The Hound of the Baskervilles, is coming to the Newton Cultural Centre in Surrey for performances this Halloween season. Adapted by Steven Canny and John Nicholson, this spoof is a three-man version of the legendary mystery directed by Ellie King for Bad Dog Productions. Starring: Michael Charrois, […]
As an honorary member of BC’s Sherlock Holmes Society for the last 20 years, I’m pleased to announce that First Impressions Theatre is presenting the Canadian Premiere of Holmes & Watson Save the Empire from February 27th until March 16th in North Vancouver. Damon Calderwood and Gordon Roberts as Holmes & Watson. Photo credit: Ryan […]
Twenty years ago I was named an honorary member of The Stormy Petrels of BC, Vancouver’s official Sherlock Holmes Society. My mother had become President (a position she still holds today) and her passion for the great detective had rubbed off. Snuggled in at night we would read about the Blue Carbuncle, Silver Blaze, and […]
The following is a guest post written by the President of the Vancouver Sherlock Holmes society, The Stormy Petrels. It has come to my attention that there are two new Sherlock Holmes movies in the works. This is always good news to Sherlockians – fans of the great detective. Downey, who earned raves for the […]