Archive of posts tagged "halloween"

Stanley Park Ghost Train 2012: Scary Fairy Tales

Comments 133 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The Stanley Park Ghost Train rolls into the woods this October with a scary fairy tale theme this year. Mortal Coil Performance Society has once again put together the production and artistic direction as they have done in the past with the Ghost Train’s carnival and Alice in Nightmareland themes. The Ghost Train will run […]

Day of the Dead 2010 in Vancouver

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Day of the Dead or Día de los Muertos is a popular holiday in Mexico that is often celebrated in the United States and Canada — and Vancouver is no exception. This event, usually taking place November 2nd, brings together family members and friends to honor the memories of their loved ones who have passed. […]

Vancouver Haunted Houses: Dungeon of Doom

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

The Rainforest Theatre in Maillardville presents the Haunted House Dungeon of Doom this Friday, October 29th. The Dungeon opens every 15 minutes from 6:30pm until 8:30pm at Place Maillardville, 1200 Cartier (at Laval) in Coquitlam [Google Map]. Admission is by donation. Throughout the year the Rainforest Theatre also operates theatre workshops and a festival for […]

Vancouver Haunted Houses: In the House Festival’s To Hell and Back

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

Darkness covers miry early mornings in Vancouver as Fall has finally arrived with force. Firecrackers snap in the distance as jack-o-lanterns begin to take up real estate in windows and on the front porches of the West End. Halloween is just around the corner and aside from trolley tours and Fright Nights now is the […]

Vancouver Haunted Houses: Scare Affair

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Variety – The Children’s Charity is hosting the Scare Affair Haunted House in Vancouver until October 31st. The $10 donation for admission will go directly to Variety. Suitable for ages 10 and up, Scare Affair will run this week from Monday to Thursday, 3:30pm until 10:00pm, and on Friday from 3:30pm to 11:00pm. On Halloween […]