How to Live Blog

Comments 9 by Rebecca Bollwitt

This should really be called, Liveblogging: Explained or how Miss604 does it – cause I’m sure there are numerous methods, but although I am no expert or professional, over the last year I’ve done a handful of live blogs at events and conferences. One question that always comes up is “how does it work?” so I suppose I’ll take a minute here to explain just how a live blog works.

Basically a live blog is someone posting content in real time on their blog. No you cannot see the text appear before your eyes as they’re typing, but if the reader refreshes periodically, more text will appear. This happens by the author creating a post, hitting publish, and then going back into the same post and editing/saving sporadically throughout the duration of the event.

Authors: Advertise days in advance so readers know to tune in.
Readers: Show up, refresh x repeat.
Authors: Publish Once + Edit/Save as necessary.

The first live blog I ever followed was probably Alanah’s, when she ran Vancouver Canucks Op Ed (predecessor to Canucks and Beyond). Alanah would live blog Canucks games, making time stamps based on the time left in the period or separating sections of the post by period. She would comment on the game, give stats, and provide a forum for other watchers, fans and readers to comment and discuss what was going on at ice level. Live blogging is just that much more fun when you know you have an audience and you leave comments wide open, getting a dialog going is a fantastic way to communicate your experience to the readers.

My first live blog was last August at Matthew Good‘s apartment when he had an intimate invite-only mini-concert for fans before leaving on a trip [Miss604]. I applied the same concept, I kept one browser window open displaying my site, opened up the comments and kept another browser open with my editor so I could type and publish on the fly. I used actual timestamps to make my place and shared quotes, jokes, the playlist and various other tidbits with the readers. I was also able to connect my camera to my laptop and have John take photos. I would then upload them to Flickr and include them in my post. Readers would then be able to see exactly why I was talking about, while it was happening. At that time Matt also asked me to read out some questions directed at him in the comments, and I would type out the answers for his fans.

Live Blog Begins

Since then, I’ve blogged events while attending, such as Barcamp (which was actually the same weekend as the living room show) and Northern Voice. Those were not truly live blogs but more like… 15 minutes after the fact, recaps. The next true live blog was SuperHappyDevHouse, followed by DemoCamp01. I have also previously published a post entitled “Liveblogging, Is It Worth it?” in response to something I read on Seth Godin’s blog.

It’s definitely difficult to relay information on the go, it’s basically rapid-fire note taking. I find that I type a lot of inside jokes when I’m liveblogging, things that could either be better explained with a post-mortem or left out entirely in a recap. What I find most valuable about liveblogging is the instant feedback and interaction with readers – Miss604

Most recently, this past weekend I found myself almost a year later, live blogging another private show of Matt Good’s. This time it was in Las Vegas [Miss604], and I had some more help with the photos [Flickr].

“i got to meet miss604 who liveblogged the event perfectly and gracefully and far better than i imagined. she took pictures and was later relived from that duty by the totally capable duane storey who had a sweet camera and was uploading them to flickr within minutes of taking the pics.” [Tony Pierce]

The best part is being able to provide some kind of portal for those who cannot attend these events. Even when I do not get any comments or interaction, I still get to archive a blog post about something I experienced. If I get to share that with thousands people live, or five several months later, it makes it all worthwhile.

Our Very Own Kwik-E-Mart

Comments 17 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Update July 3, 2007: Keira and I had a chance to check out the Coquitlam Kwik-E-Mart this afternoon.

Pics are up on Flickr in this set: Trip to Kwik-E-Mart
Squishee Girls Kwik-E-Mart $2 Squishee Cups

In a hilarious yet ingenious mass-marketing plot 7-Elevens around North America have been turning into Kwik-E-Marts, in anticipation of the Simpsons Movie that hits theatres July 27, 2007.

The monthlong promotion has been rumored a long time — it’s hard to keep a secret known by so many suppliers and franchisees — but 7-Eleven managed to keep the locations of the stores quiet until early Sunday morning. That’s when the exteriors of 11 U.S. stores and one in Canada were flocked in industrial foam and given new signs to replicate the animated look of Kwik-E-Marts. [Yahoo News]

I read about this on Metroblogging Vancouver, where yong_sa discovered this article and found the only Kwik-E-Mart in Canada, which is in Coquitlam.

7-Eleven has a “Kwik-E-Mart Locator” on their site [7-11], where other locations include: Burbank, CA [Flickr Set], Chicago, IL, Dallas, TX, Denver, CO, Lake Buena Vista, FL/Orlando, FL, Las Vegas, NV/Henderson, NV, Los Angeles, CA, New York City, NY, San Francisco, CA/Mountain View, CA, Seattle, WA [Metroblogging Seattle] and Washington, DC/Bladensburg, MD [Metroblogging DC].

Those stores and most of the 6,000-plus other 7-Elevens in North America will sell items that until now existed only on television: Buzz Cola, KrustyO’s cereal and Squishees, the slushy drink knockoff of Slurpees. [Yahoo News]

Photo credit: rdr07 on Flickr – View entire set (Burbank location)

The Coquitlam location is at 1198 Lansdowne in Coquitlam, BC. The 7-Eleven website says “street” although it should be “drive”. Here’s the Google Map. I’m not sure why more 7-Elevens joined in on the fun, because this will definitely be a sight to see, I’d love to go get a Squishee!

Reminder – July 11 (07-11) is free Slurpee day at 7-Eleven.

Vegas Weekend Phase 5: Home at Last

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

My ride home... Last night John traveled to the USA for the first time since 2005 to pick me up from the Bellingham Airport. With PR card in hand he had no troubles making the border crossing and met me inside the terminal with, “you’re right this is a small airport, Cedar Rapids, Iowa is even bigger than this.” I have to say it was a pleasure to end my journey in the Pacific Northwest. Aside from the evening at Matt’s I ran into nothing but rude people full of attitude who were always looking at you, and speaking to you as though you were out to get them. I guess this is why I don’t go to Vegas often.

2nd beach day of the year Today we had our second official beach day of the year. I took it easy and applied 15 sunscreen, although I’m not showing much colour now for being out in the sun for 2 hours earlier in the day. I do however have one spot on my ankle that I must have missed when applying the lotion because it’s beet red.

Sitting at home now and chatting with Keira, about to enjoy some lovely Belgian beer (complete with sediment) John and I can finally sit back and relax for the first time this weekend.

We’re now moving out to the balcony (and bringing my laptop so I can publish this post). Someone a couple floors above just dumped some water (I hope it was water) off their balcony and just barely missed us sitting here… sheesh.

I really need to get to that sediment beer so I’ll polish off this post with a You Tube clip of a commercial I caught on TV shortly after my Muffin Top post last month.

Vegas Weekend Phase 4: Packing Up

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I realized this morning that my return shuttle ticket for the airport states that I must book my pickup 24 hours in advance. D’oh! Looks like I’ll be cabbing it, and probably soon too. I’ll get some airport breakfast and enjoy the free wifi, which is SUCH a nice perk, thanks again McCarran.

Last night was really great, I think the best part was that people from all over America that have never seen Matt perform let alone up close and in person, had the chance to meet someone they’ve been a fan of for years. It’s hard to control your giddyness when you know he’s just ‘a real guy’, but one that makes incredible music and sang amazingly last night. I hope (and am certain) all the guests had a great time.

Photo credit: Duane Storey on Flickr

Unfortunately I got a headache halfway through the show, and no I wasn’t drinking excessively. But the fact about my headaches is that they usually make me really nauseous. So there I was… at a private show in Las Vegas and about 20 minutes after Matt called it and everyone was drinking and having some food, I had to run to the facilities and… yeah. Good news is that shortly after I felt pretty good, hungry actually, so when the house closed down for the night Duane and I hit the strip to get some food. We took some photos and he barely made it through a yard of margarita. We were both pretty partied out, the whirlwind travel combined with the sensory and heat overload of Las Vegas was getting to us.

Heading back, I’m super glad I came down. The travel wasn’t painful and I got to meet some really great people (like Tony!) The live blog was a success and it was fun chatting to Dale throughout the night as well. I really hope Matt had a happy birthday, surrounded by old friends, new friends and admirers. Just an FYI, you can still catch the new album, Hospital Music, that is being streamed in its entirety from Matt’s site.

Time to pack, make sure my liquids are all in check, and I’ll make another post here either from McCarran or SeaTac.

Vegas Weekend Phase 3: @ Matt's – LIVE BLOG

Comments 38 by Rebecca Bollwitt

18:40 – I’m sitting in Matt’s Las Vegas getaway, chatting to Jennie Roth – long time Matt fan, while watching as his fans from around the continent try to take in this whole experience.

Jennie Roth & Me I met up with the other attendees at 3:00pm and it was nice to get to know people before all coming together this evening. The one thing we all have in common? We’re Matt Good fans. Over dinner I met people from the East coast of the US who have been fans for a decade and never seen a show, people from Vancouver, Calgary and San Francisco. They were discussing their first favourite song, concerts they’ve been to and breaking the ice before we all spend this evening together getting the first live taste of Hospital Music.

06292007(009)I will be blogging throughout the night and during Matt’s performance – stay tuned (just keep hitting refresh every couple mins) as I’ll be listing the songs he plays and posting photos.

19:00 – Duane Storey is holding up the ENTIRE night. Okay just kidding, folks are still arriving and in the meantime everyone is chilling with a nice frosty beverage. BIG THANKS to Dale over at for linking to this post (and he should really be here too eh)

Live Blog Begins 19:07 – Still waiting on a couple of guests, but not worrying at all. Everyone’s sitting on the living room floor, relaxing, getting out of the heat, and talking guitars with Matt. Feel free to leave any questions for Matt in the comments section in case there’s a “Q&A” session after the performance.

I can’t wait til Duane gets here then I can stop posting camera phone pics.

19:23 – Duane is here. Pic quality will improve… until we get a couple beers in him. It’s beer o’clock.

19:28 – Happy live blogging.

Photo credit: Duane Storey on Flickr

19:33 – Just video iChatted with my inlaws who are in Iowa, while I’m in Vegas and John is in Vancouver… wish you were here, babe.

19:48 – Duane and I decided on a universal Flickr tag: mgvegaspoolparty.

Photo credit: Duane Storey on Flickr

20:02 – Just video chatted and shared the first song – Metal Airplanes with Dale.

20:07 – Being treated to I am Not Safer Than A Bank rolled into Champions of Nothing. At dinner someone commented on how this is the best album-opener of a song…. a 9 minute song at that. It’s truly epic.

20:16 – Third song is Suburbia… “going all the way back to 1999”.

20:19 – After teasing the Berkeley Student, Matt launches into I’m a Window. I feel like getting off the floor and dancing… or maybe doing the maid.

Photo credit: Duane Storey on Flickr

20:30 – After some chit chat and amusing tales of what it’s like to forget lyrics mid-song/mid-concert and making things up on the fly, Matt is playing Black Helicopter

20:34 – Special song for Tony is being played now… If I was a Tidal Wave and the video iChat I had with Dale is now up on YouTube.

20:42 – As you can see our little chat video is now up on YouTube. The next song was Odette… “do you wash your hands before you touch the heart?” Born Losers is up next followed by True Love Will Find You in the End.

Beer and food time for all.

For those wondering about the camera, Current TV (the network started by Al Gore) was here covering the event. Max Lugavere and Jason Silva were doing an exclusive spotlight on Matthew Good that will air nationally on Current TV in a couple of weeks. In the meantime, learn more about the network and how to watch at