The Zit Remedy

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

From awesome geocities site

Before some silliness starts today I might as well rehash some of the silliness from last night.

While meeting up with Corinna, Adam, Tony and Duane, Keira mentioned something about Degrassi. I shouted out “The Zit Remedy!” and ever since then we’ve both had their song stuck in our heads intermittently (either that or the Expo 86 theme song).

So here they are to wake me up, Wheels, Snake and Joey… The Zit Remedy with “Everybody wants something” (listen via Myspace)

Blogathon: Post #3

Support by Link Love

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I just wanted to give a shout out to everyone who has linked me leading up to this event, here’s a list of super folks all with super blogs of their own.

  • Yvonne: “i wake up in the morning and I wonder why everything’s the same as it was
  • Hummingbird604: “Blogathon 2007– who is ALSO doing Blogathon in support of A Loving Spoonful
  • Keira: “Blogathon 2007
  • John: “Blogathon 2007
  • Duane: “OK, I’m Drunk (Yes, this is his Blogathon post for me)
  • Dave: “Blogging Girl Goes Blog Wild
  • Keith: “Blogathon 2007 – Support the Surrey Food Bank
  • katkam-sunrise.jpegThanks to Alanah for the inspiration, and JJ for the contribution (and prize) that will appear later today. The photo here is for Daniel who commented looking for a Vancouver sunrise. I don’t think there are any webcams facing East but this is the #1 webcam for the city in my opinion – hopefully we’ll have some sun to show off later.

    Blogathon: Post #2

    Kicking it Off

    Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

    Here it is! I’m wiping the sleep from my eye and settling in for the long haul. Well actually, I will get up after this and brush my teeth, probably put some coffee on and think about my next post. If you’re wondering what’s going on today, or why you’ll see SO many posts published today here’s the rundown.

    I am doing a Blog-a-thon today for the Surrey Food Bank. Every 30 minutes for 24 hours I will be publishing a blog post with the hopes that people will sponsor me to keep going.

    1) Tune into this blog from 6:00 am Pacific time until 6:00 am Sunday July 29th
    I’ll be needing lots of inspiration so any post ideas, suggestions, photos, silly YouTube links of your cat are all welcome.

    2) Click the sponsor button at the top of the sidebar

    3) Sign up for a Blogathon login to pledge me – keep me going for 24 hours!

    4) Blogathon will send you an email to remind you to head over to the Surrey Food Bank site to finish your pledge and donate

    5) Feel warm fuzzies.

    I have a couple of posts ready to go, including a few from contributors/other local bloggers. Everyone who pledges me to keep going by making a donation via Blogathon to the Food Bank will have their name put in a draw to win a prize. Prizes will be announced in a later post. Thank you everyone for your support already, and for tuning in at any point today. See you in 30 minutes!

    Blogathon: Post #1

    Countdown to Blogathon

    Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

    And how The PR machine is at work promoting Blogathon and my efforts tomorrow [24 Hours, BCBusiness]. I am trying to pool up some material for the 48 posts (1 post every 30 minutes for 24 hours) so this will be my only entry today.

    I’ll have shout outs to people who have linked me, people who have some really great content, hopefully some guest contributors, photos and plenty more. Come on over from 6:00 am tomorrow (that’s about 17 hours away) and I’ll be blogging straight through the night until 6:00 am Sunday.

    If you stop by PLEASE pledge me by clicking the “sponsor me” button on my sidebar, I’ll also have the link on every blog post, which you can track through my “Blogathon” post category, here. Every cent of your pledge/donation will go directly to the Surrey Food Bank. Also, as an added incentive (aside from watching me go bonkers in real time in the later hours) I’ll be putting all the pledges’ names in a hat and one lucky sponsor will win a prize, which I will hopefully have sorted out by tomorrow.

    Do we need more Vancouver blogs?

    Comments 10 by Rebecca Bollwitt

    Image from BustedTees

    Well maybe more would do the trick but I’m talking about more diversity.

    We have several group blogs in this city. Metroblogging, that is a part of a 50-city worldwide network, Beyond Robson, that is a part of the Fresh Daily/BlogTO family, and Urban Vancouver is the aggregator and Vancouver forum on which anyone can post content.

    In light of the recent emotionally-charged comments and posts in regards to either Metroblogging or Beyond Robson I just have to share this story that was sent to me by Richard. Its author, Joey deVilla is reflecting on the state of Toronto’s current group blogs with ex-Vancouverite, Will Pate, and is calling out for more diversity in Toronto blogs.

    He feels “although the BlogTO and Torontoist served their demographic very well, their demographic was only a slice of the larger pie that is Toronto.”

    Joey continues on with something that just made me laugh out loud like Homer Simpson saying “it’s funny cause it’s true” while wiping a tear from my eye.

    Excerpt from: We Need More Toronto Blogs making a point about the ‘typical authors’ of certain city group blogs – Continue reading this post ⟩⟩