About the Cause

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

So why am I sitting at my computer for 24 hours straight and posting all this wonderful content off the top of my head and also submitted by readers? Because I’d like to do something nice. The people I’ve chosen to do something nice for, are those who run and use the Surrey Food Bank. Here’s some more information so that you can know exactly where your money is going, should you choose to sponsor me with a pledge.

In 1981, in response to a downturn in the economy, a coalition of churches opened a food cupboard in Surrey. Two years later, the Surrey Food Bank Society was formed and set up shop in a dilapidated building on King George Highway.

What began as a temporary solution to a temporary problem has grown to a 7,000 sq. ft. warehouse in Whalley, a fleet of three vehicles, 100 active volunteers and a staff core of eight. The Surrey Food Bank Society currently distributes over 56,000 food hampers a year and has expanded support to include many different food security programs, such as Surrey Food Bank’s community kitchen, a community garden, food buying clubs, and cookbooks with low cost nutritious recipes.

After 23 years we have come to the realization that people will always need our help. We like to say we give people a “hand up, not a hand out”. The Surrey Food Bank’s mission is to “Help People Help Themselves”. We do that in a variety of ways but primarily by providing a food hamper designed to supplement a client’s food needs.


We ~ Not just ‘us’, not just ‘you’, the whole community
Feed ~ We nourish with food, dignity, and respect
People ~ Not clients, not numbers or statistics, not ‘the needy’ or ‘those people’; people. [Surrey Food Bank]

The Surrey Food Bank receives no core government funding. They assist about 14,000 people per month from the communities of Surrey and North Delta. 42% of our clients are children and babies.

So far, pledges to my Blogathon cause have totaled $150.59 USD. No, no change has been donated, it’s just that the Blogathon site calculates everything in US dollars and I’ve had pledges in Canadian and actually Euros.

You guys are so amazing, it’s only 6! Hopefully this inspires others to contribute to the Food Bank, or at least do a good deed today. It’s a cloudy overcast day in Vancouver, why not skip that trip to the beach you had originally planned…

Thanks so much everyone! I now have the energy to continue on for 18 more hours, provided this caffeine NEVER wears off.

Blogathon: Post #13

Cheap Eats and Fun in Vancouver

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Post contributed by J.J. from the Canucks Hockey Blog.

I’m sure you remember Rebecca’s posts on cheap fun and cheap things to do in and around Vancouver. Well at a birthday party last night, I saw a couple of friends, Jeddy and Windy, whom I haven’t seen in a long time. They’ve both just graduated from college and are just starting their professional lives. Recently, they launched a new website – youngbudget.ca – that is geared for folks with a limited disposable income.

I’ve created this website as a resource tool to help people such as myself, with not a lot of cash to spare, enjoy all that this city has to offer. From inexpensive nights on the town, to general money saving tips…I’m hoping you’ll find what you need here to help guide you through having fun and entertaining on a budget!

When I was a Business student at Douglas College, I remember having to work two part-time jobs to be able to pay my tuition and still enjoy the fun things that every 19 or 20-year old enjoys. Funds were tight back then and, like most college students I presume, had to make every dollar count.

I remember going to $4 movies on Tuesday nights rather than on the weekends. (They were $2.50 if I went to the theaters in New Westminster). I remember five-cent wings at Woody’s and Wing Wednesdays at Earl’s. I remember passing on the $10 cover charge at some of the downtown Vancouver night clubs and enjoying loonie nights at the Ozone instead. (That the Ozone was a mere four block stumbling distance away from home was a bonus.)

On youngbudget.ca, Jeddy and Windy share some of Vancouver’s more current (some well-known and some less-known) low-cost options.

Check out their tip on award-winning Joe Fortes as an example:

Every day, Joe Fortes offers ‘blue plate’ specials for their lunch menu. Each special is only $10! If you’ve done the whole Earls, Milestones and Cactus Club scene (although they are excellent as well), and are looking for something different… Joe Fortes will be a real treat. Enjoy the ambiance and fine dining experience at a fraction of the dining price!

Don’t feel like spending $13 to watch the new Harry Potter movie? Jeddy and Windy offer this tidbit as well:

For cheap movie tickets to the Scotia Bank Theatre (previously the Paramount Theatre), but them ahead of time at Robson Optical, located at 1132 Robson St. in downtown Vancouver. Each ticket is only $8.

There’s plenty more of these handy tips and tidbits on the site. Very handy especially if you’re trying to enjoy the city on a budget.

You can read more by JJ on his own site, the Canucks Hockey Blog.

Blogathon: Post #12

More Link Love in Hour 5

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

5 hours down, only 19 more to go. WOW the time is flying by, seriously – although I still have to actually ‘wake up’ and go shower etc. but you didn’t need to know those details. I’ve had some more link love from the following:

  • Moritherapy: “Leave my blog instantly!
  • Robert Sanzalone: PacificIT, all the way from Japan sent me a shout out over Twitter.
  • Home mom: Actually, she is also doing Blogathon in support of Hope for the Warriors.
  • I’m at breakfast right now with Michelle Kim, and it’s reallllly yummy – and I swear I won’t get any egg on my Macbook.


    Blogathon: Post #11 – Sponsor me to keep going for the Surrey Food Bank


    Comments 4 by Rebecca Bollwitt

    Thank you so much for everyone who has tuned into the blog so far and pledged for the Surrey Food Bank. I’ll put up a total around noon but so far I’m blown away by your generosity.

    The following photo is courtesy of John Biehler (who has linked me in support of Blogathon). He’s a local blogger, and very knowledgeable about Macs. We first “met” when he commented on my series of “I’m a Mac newbie” posts and enlightened me about several very cool Mac applications and functions.

    Photo credit: retrocactus on Flickr

    Oh and did I mention he took this with his iPhone while in Kelowna? Yeah… iPhone… *so* jealous!

    Blogathon: Post #10

    Vancouver Blog Profile: Money Coach

    Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

    I first met Nancy at a Blogger Meetup a while back and later on at DemoCamp. She brings a unique perspective to Vancouver blogging by way of writing about financial issues, money management, advice and case studies.

    Imagine if Canadians were known for being all over their money. Engaged. Proactive. Getting out of debt. Savvy. Saving. Generous.

    Nancy thinks it’s possible.

    Case study: Eleanor has an income in the low 70K range from her work as an engineer. She is about 15 years away from retirement, and while she has little debt, she has no assets either. She does have a pension, but no rrsps of her own, no savings, no property. She is utterly baffled where the money goes. She does rent an $1,800/month apt in Kits (Vancouver) which she shares with her college-age son.

    While successful professionally and working very long hours, Eleanor is chronically and seriously disorganized. Brilliant, yes. Competent yes. But require or suggest structure and she runs for the nearest exit.

    What would you suggest to help Eleanor take control of her money so she can start building the assets she could have, with her income level?

    To chime in on all the finance-related topics including guest posts by various contributors, head to Nancy Zimmerman: A Canadian Money Coach.

    Blogathon: Post #9 – Sponsor me to keep going for the Surrey Food Bank