I have no beer

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

Ever since Alanah’s post I’ve been craving some Granville Island lager. I decided that these contributor posts are just too great to get swept away with the rest so they’re all in their own category “guest post” so that you can revisit them after the Blogathon.

I’ve made it past the halfway mark and I’m coasting into the evening. Hopefully on the next post I can catch the fireworks “in action” on a webcam and share that with you all.

In case you’re just tuning in to the blog, I am doing this for 24 hours straight in hopes that people will pledge my efforts and donate to the Surrey Food Bank. Thanks to everyone whose done so already, and keep watching as I’m not stopping until 6:00 am Pacific time on July 29th.

Blogathon: Post #33 – Sponsor me to keep going for the Surrey Food Bank


Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

Our pal Duane is always tinkering with applications. He’s made a couple Facebook apps and numerous WordPress Plugins. His latest works hand-in-hand with WordPress to post alerts of your blog entries directly to Twitter.

I was talking to a friend the other day about how it would be cool to have something like Twitter that would basically give you real-time updates on blog entries from WordPress. While talking about it, I realized basically what I wanted was the abilily for Twitter to show new blog entries. [Duane StoreyDownload here]

Seems pretty cool since I for one usually Twitter if I’ve made a recent blog post, this could save some time… as long as I take advantage of personalizing, to keep it interesting.

Blogathon: Post #32 – Sponsor me to keep going for the Surrey Food Bank


Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

gum. for a blogathon post. fun! Somewhere, somehow, we ended up with some bubble gum on our coffee table. I decided to open up the pack and chew for a while, since it keeps my mouth busy while the rest of me is busy typing all these dang blog posts. I turned the gum pack around and saw the nutritional information. Huh, interesting – 1g Carbs, 0 Sugars, 1 gram ‘Sugar Alcohols’. I decided to find out if I could really get drunk off this…

A sugar alcohol (also known as a polyol, polyhydric alcohol, or polyalcohol) is a hydrogenated form of carbohydrate, whose carbonyl group (aldehyde or ketone, reducing sugar) has been reduced to a primary or secondary hydroxyl group. They are commonly used for replacing sucrose in foodstuffs, often in combination with high intensity artificial sweeteners to counter the low sweetness. [wiki]

Oh, yeah I don’t think it’ll get me drunk. Looks like the rum in the freezer will have to do.

as for many other incompletely digestible substances (such as dietary fiber), overconsumption of sugar alcohols can lead to bloating, diarrhea and flatulence because they are not absorbed in the small intestine. Some individuals experience such symptoms even in a single-serving quantity. [wiki]

/me spits out gum.

Blogathon: Post #31

Vancouver Blog Profile: Dave Olson

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Dave is blogger, podcaster and grassroots media enthusiast who also has time for a day job. My fellow Surrey-ite has SO many projects on the go, I’ll make a list here and see if I can get them all.

  • Choogle on with Uncleweed, Podcast hi-jinks
  • Canucks Outsider, Hockey Podcast
  • Postcards from Gravelly Beach, Literature Podcast
  • Olympic Outsider, Winter Sports-Culture
  • Mountain Highway, Writer’s Notebook
  • Ephemeral Feasthouse, Miscellania & Notes
  • Urban Vancouver, BC Trips podcast
  • Yes, those are all his projects. He’s also a cohort on The Crazy Canucks podcast. Where he finds the time to produce all this content, I haven’t the foggiest but it certainly is good stuff.

    Blogathon: Post #29