Archive for the category "vancouver"

Vancouver Blogger Profile: Barbara Doduk

Comments 6 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Continuing the Vancouver Blogger Profile series of bloggers who don’t necessarily have to be from Vancouver, I contacted Barbara Doduk (Flickr) (Website) who has been publishing content online for the last decade and is responsible for numerous projects around the web. Barbara Doduk on Flickr Barbara first came on my radar a few years ago […]

Bionic Hollow Tree for Stanley Park

Comments 14 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The Hollow Tree in Stanley Park is a tourist favourite. On the West side of Stanley Park Drive, it’s a frequent stopping zone and photo op. During the storms of 2006, the tree was weakened beyond already being hollow at the base, and the Parks Board would now like to spend $200,000 to restore it. […]

Vancouver History: Mount Pleasant

Comments 7 by Guest Author

The following was researched, contributed and written by Raul Given what I research on my day job, it is also ironic (or coincidental, perhaps) that I now live in an area that used to be industrial and is now being transformed into a residential zone (while attempting to preserve the historical industrial heritage). With the […]

Smoking Ban in BC Update

Comments 38 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The tougher laws and regulations from last summer are all culminating on March 31st, 2008 when new reforms get put into place throughout the Province. Photo Credit: Viewership on Flickr Under new laws, smokers will not be allowed to light up in public places and workspaces, or within three metres of public doorways. The new […]

Vancouver Blogger Profile: Mostly Lisa Bettany

Comments 4 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Every few months I do a slough of Vancouver Blogger Profiles. Admittedly, some of the profiles are not for those in or from our fair city, but they’re important and entertaining all the same. I should have a few mini and formulaic interviews lined up for this week so here’s the first on this season’s […]