Only a week after a fire took out an entire section of this major commuter artery, the Pattullo Bridge will re-open in time for the morning rush hour tomorrow. The replaced section of the bridge – Photo submitted by Sis604 The Pattullo Bridge will open at 6am, just in time for the Monday morning commute. […]
My personal history with Pattullo goes back about 29 years however the name played an important role for me in high school biology. I used to be able to remember that the knee cap was called the “patella” since it was like a bridge between the femur and tibia (at least in my mind it […]
I’ve written enough about the Pattullo Bridge over the years that this aging decrepit structure has warranted its own tag; from asbestos in the deck, possible tolls, to lanes that are dangerously slim. Early this morning a fire broke out under its deck, forcing those who depend on it as a Fraser River crossing to […]
On official snow days we’d get packed into our snowsuits, pull our socks up past the top of our boots and put on so many sweaters it was an impossible feat to put your arms down flat at your side. With the ‘swish swish’ of our snowsuits being the only sound in the neighbourhood as […]
My Christmas hatchetChristmas morning 2007 It’s the time of year that makes me excited for brisk walks where you need to cover your nose with your scarf to help it thaw and cozying up with hot chocolate and a blanket on the couch while watching Peter Billingsley shoot his eye out. In local malls, castles […]