Archive Photos of the Day: Tree Felling Using Springboards
byTree felling using springboards Vancouver archive, history photos
Tree felling using springboards Vancouver archive, history photos
In true Pacific Northwest fashion, Vancouver is definitely known for its coffee shops. Packed so densely that they occur more frequently than bus stops on major routes, it’s sometimes hard to stand out from the crowd. However, WE Coffee in the West End of downtown Vancouver has managed to do just that by permeating the […]
Wine country, live music outdoors, and talented BC artists — what could be better? Tinhorn Creek Winery is gearing up for another season of their Canadian Concert Series in their Golden Mile vineyard amphitheatre with confirmed acts that include: Brickhouse May 25th, Jackie Treehorn June 22nd, The Matinee July 27th, Five Alarm Funk August 24th, […]
The Museum of Anthropology (“MOA”) is launching a groundbreaking exhibit this month called “Safar/Voyage: Contemporary Works by Arab, Iranian and Turkish Artists”. This is a collection of 16 contemporary works from some of the world’s most celebrated artists from within the Middle Eastern region. The Merchants by Ali Banisadr Safar/Voyage will be the first major […]
On June 13th 1933, Major J.S. Matthews declared the Vancouver City Archives officially open and on April 7th, 1993 (20 years ago yesterday) a group was formed to support Vancouver’s archives. The Friends of the City Archives hold regular meeting, sponsor talks, promote awareness about the archives, encourage appreciation of the city’s history, and much […]