Archive Photos of the Day: Athletes
byThe BC Sports Hall of Fame‘s 46th annual Banquet of Champions is coming up on September 25th an in honour of all inductees, past and present, I have dedicated this week’s archive photo roundup to the athletes.
Featured BC Sports Hall of Fame Inductees: Helen and Margaret Callaghan
Inducted 2008 in the “Pioneer” category
About Vancouver sisters Helen and Margaret Callaghan sparkled on the ball diamonds of the All American Girls Professional Baseball League in the 1940s and later a PBS documentary on their baseball careers became the basis for the well-known Hollywood film, “A League of Their Own”.

Vancouver Archives# CVA 99-126. Photographer: Stuart Thomson.
Featured BC Sports Hall of Fame Inductees: 1914-1915 Vancouver Millionaires
Inducted 1977 in “Ice Hockey”
About The 1914-15 Vancouver Millionaires were the first BC team to win the Stanley Cup.
Featured BC Sports Hall of Fame Inductee: Harry Jerome
Inducted 1966 in “Athletics”
About Harry Jerome was inducted into the Canadian Amateur Athletic Hall of Fame in 1967, and Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame in 1971. Harry was invested with Order of Canada in 1970. In 1959, Jerome broke Percy Williams’ thirty-one year old Canadian record for the 220 yard dash.

1932. Vancouver Archives# CVA 371-1728.
Featured BC Sports Hall of Fame Inductee: Duncan McNaughton
Inducted 1966 in “Athletics”
About McNaughton then won gold at the 1932 Olympic Games in Los Angeles in the high jump.
Featured BC Sports Hall of Fame Inductee: Mary (Stewart) McIlwaine
Inducted 1966 in “Swimming”
About Before the age of seventeen, Mary held every Canadian freestyle and butterfly record in all distances up to 220 yards. She also held American records for the 100m and 100-yard butterfly in 1961-62.
For more information follow the Hall on Twitter and Facebook. Miss604 is the proud Social Media Sponsor of the Banquet of Champions.