Archives Photos of the Day: Grouse Mountain
byGrouse Mountain is as much a summer playground as it is a snowy winter destination. The Grouse Grind tests endurance, performances at the peak entertain, ziplines thrill, the resident grizzly bears awake from their cold season slumber, and the views of the South Coast mesmerize. For today’s roundup of photos from the Vancouver Archives, I have focused on photos of snow-free activities on Grouse Mountain from days gone by.

1929 – The road up Grouse Mountain. Archives item# CVA 99-2041 & CVA 99-2042.
Photographer: Stuart Thomson.
1929 – The view from Grouse Mountain. Archives item# CVA 99-3717. Photographer: Stuart Thomson.
1929 – The old Grouse Mountain chalet. Archives item# CVA 99-3716. Photographer: Stuart Thomson.
1930s Thunderbird Bridge & the Dollar Curve on the road up Grouse.
Archives item# Mount P63.2 & Mount P63.1. Photographer: J. Wardlaw.
1930s – Grouse Mountain highway. Archives item# CVA 371-2274. Photographer: J. Wardlaw.
1929 – Entrance to the Grouse Mountain road. Archives item# CVA 99-3713. Photographer: Stuart Thomson.
1900s & 1914 – Group of hikers on Grouse Mountain. Archives item# Mount P11.2 & Mount P11.1.
Photographer: F.W. Hewton.
1900s – Hikers at the top of Grouse Mountain. Archives item# Mount P11.3. Photographer: F.W. Hewton.
1915 – Vancouver at night from Grouse Mountain. Archives item# Van Sc P156.
Photographer: W.J. Carruthers.
2 Comments — Comments Are Closed
I always love your archives posts, Miss 604! Unfortunately, though, archives are in danger with the recent cut to a federal funding program known as the National Archives Development Program. The NADP was eliminated, which cuts the funding of archives all across Canada, which includes their work to digitize photographs and make them available online. If archives and their online collections are important to you, please consider signing the petition here: . Contact me @Owl_ for more information and to see related tweets from earlier this month. Please spread the word!
Hi. Great historic photos of Grouse Mountain. To be brief do you know of any more historic (1960’s) photos of Grouse and especially the old chairlift up Skyline Drive. My friends and I used to ride the chair for free when we were around ten. As long as we spent a half hour sweeping and cleaning up around the parking lot we could go up to the Inn and get french fries, great times.